No change or business of importance has as yet occurred in either the English or Foreign Funds; the prices of which are the same as at the close of business yesterday. The Railway Shares are generally without variation; Caledonian have recovered about 10s. from the depression of yesterday afternoon, and have improved to 34 discount. The following are the principal transactions of the morning : Caledonian, 264 1; Eastern Counties, 194 20; Ditto, York Ex- tension, 54; Great Northern, (London and York Registered,) 24; Ditto, (Direct Northern Registered.) 31 4; Great North of England, 2324; Great Western, 118; Ditto, Half-shares, 684; LeMs and Bradford, 79; North-western, 179; South- western, Consolidated Eighths, 47; Brighton and South Coast, 52e; Manchester and Leeds, Half-shares, 49; Manchester and Southampton, 14; Midland, 1174 1; Ditto, New, 301. paid, 341 4; Ditto, New, 21. paid, 5i; Ditto, Birmingham and Derby, 92; Newcastle and Berwick, 29; Ditto, New, 81; North British, Quarter- abates, 41; Royston and Hitchin, 2; South-eastern and Dover, 374.
SATURDAY, Two o'Cxocx.
The English Fends close 4 per cent below the morning's prices. A sale by a broker who is supposed to act for influential and well-informed principals has lowered the market and produced a general disposition among the speculators to sell. Some large speculative bargains occurred at 894; at which price there were buyers at the close of business. The Foreign Funds are without material change. The Bonds of Grenada and Venezuela are firm and in demand at currentquotations; as are the different varieties of Dutch Stock. In the Railway Market the business transacted, though general, has not been extensive; neither has any marked improvement occurred in prices. Caledonian Shares have advanced again in the course of the afternoon, and were last quoted at 261; thus nearly recovering the ground lost yesterday. The transactions in the Foreign Shares have been limited, and the only improvement has been in those of the Northern of France; which are slightly firmer than they were yesterday. It is understood that the closing prices of yesterday in Paris are in town, and that the Three per Cents advanced 10 centiemes, but that Shares were unchanged. Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, 24; Bristol and Exeter, 78; Caledonian, 264 1 1; Eastern Counties, 194 20; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 71 2; Ditto, Half-shares, 19 4; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 251; Great Western, 117 115; Ditto, Half-shares, 684 8; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 184 174; London and North- western, 1791 179; London and Brighton, 521 34; London and South-western, 631 44; Midland, 1174 1; Ditto, New, 344 4; Midland, Birmingham, and Derby, 92; South-eastern and Dover, 371; Ditto, New, No. 4, 44; York and North Mid- land, Half-shares, 35; Boulogne and Amiens, 164; Great Northern of France, Constituted, 134; Namur and Liege, 44; Orleans and Bordeaux, 7; Paris and Lyons, Constituted, 54 6; Sambre and Meuse, 64.
3 per Cent Consols 891 1 Danish 3 per Cents 88 9 891 1 Dutch 2j per Cents 594
shut Ditto 4 per Cents. 921 31
shut Mexican 5 per Cents 1846.. • 221 31 shin New Grenada 19 21 shut Portuguese New bp. Cts. 1841 33 5 par 3 preen. Peruvian 39 41 shut Russian 5 per Cents 1094 111
87 9 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 229 31
Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 34 Venezuela Se 41
The fluctuations of the English Stock-market have been insignificant; the ex- treme of variation not having exceeded 4 per cent. Notwithstanding the relief that the recent sale of French Stock to the Emperor of Russia must have afforded to the money-market of Paris, the impetus given to the French Funds on its first promulgation has been barely maintained—the upward movement has not con- tinued. Hence the unprogressive state of our own market. The Government Broker has on two occasions daring the week announced his inability to make the usual purchases on account of the Sinking-fund in the open market, in conse- quence of having been supplied by the Savings-banks; and the absence of this usual support has increased the heaviness of the market. Exchequer Bills have .been done as low as Is. discount; the closing quotation today being par to 4s. pre- -mium. India Stock, although the books are shut, has been sold for Money today at 248/ and 2474; and Bank Stock is done for Account at 2054. Money is not scarce, and the rate of interest may be quoted at from 3 to 4 per cent. A rather better tone was imparted to the market just before the close of business; and the closing prices of Consols both for Money and the Account, 894 f. The Scrip of the new Loan has fluctuated between 4 discount and par.
In the Foreign Market, the transactions have been unimportant. Portuguese Bonds have obtained a trifling increase of currency, in consequence of a demand for the Dutch market: but the business in them has been limited. We can also n ote a slight improvement in Mexican Bonds, as well as in both varieties of Dutch Stock. Spanish Stock continues immoveable; and this once favourite medium of speculation is now quite neglected.
The market for Railway Shares continues without any important variation; and the prices of the principal Shares are the same as last week. There seems, however, a general tendency to improvement; which must be gradual, and cannot be very extensive. From this category we must except the Caledonian; which, in consequence of a preponderance of sales, are heavy, and have declined to 4 dis- count.
The Foreign Shares are all lower. Among the French, those of the Paris and Lyons, which have fallen to 2 discount, are the most depressed; a report being paevalent that the Directors will require a much larger capital for the completion of the line than that at present subscribed.
Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 31 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents
Belgian 41 per Cents 94 64
Buenos Ayres 6 per Cent 40 2
°Main 6 per Cents 93 5 BANK OP ENGLAND, An Account, pursuant to the Act 7th and OM Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending on &Muffin) the EOM day of March 1847.
Notes issued £21,487,9,15 Government Debt £11,r16,100
Other Securities 29'4 900
Gold Cola and Bullion 8.963 970
Silver Bullion !,523965
Proprietors' Capital
£14,553900 Government Securities, (in-
3,971,704 cluding DeadWeightAnnuityl£11,990,079 Public Deposits. 8971,6!3 Other Securities 17 650,874 Other Deposits 9,962,438 Notes 5.418,745 Seven Day and other Bills .... 817.630
Gold and Silver Coin
• Including Rzehequer, Savings Banks, Commissioners of NationalDeIng Dividend Amounts.'