COMMERCIAL GAZETTE. Tuesday, March 23.
Spence and ittarkland, Manchester, coppersmiths—Owen and Co. Manchester, hat- manufacturers—lloward and Barker, Leeds, manufacturers—Gilman and Skikeithorpe, Oxford Street, Italian-warehousemen—Baldwin and Walker, worsted-spinners- Glover junior and Luter, Liverpool, warebotutekeepers—Walker and Co. Guiehrough, York- shire, curries—W. J. and S. Dowding, hew Weston Street, hermouSser, woollen- manufacturers—Ladley and Co. Old Burlington Street, turners—Hart and Co. Liver- pool, starch-manuf eturers; as far as regards P. Hart—Travis and Loinoint, Stockport, luit-mattufacturers—Harding and Hunter, Cheadle—Williams and Blake, 5tintsi Lane. coffee-brokers—Watson and Broom. Kiddermins:er, worsted-spi mem --T. and-C.. Britcher, Norwich, bricklayers—Banbury and Bennett junior, Addle Street. in,Inuere- R. and E. ahuswortb, SaLord, grocers—G. and J. Udine. Hull. drapers—Sherrard and Winterton, Tottenham Court Road, trimmiug-sellera—Haggitt and Powell, Suitthankile ton, tailors—Cheelliam and Co. Huddersfield, woollen-cloth-niamffecivrersl as ("41111' regards W. Cheetham —Swann and Co. Stourport, Flaegargusulutlietaren—BriiCe and Darling, Edinburgh, clothiers,
SPENCER, JOHN, Seelton, Nettlughamshire, nursery man.
BANKEUrra. Dreamt, RICHARD, Liverpool. share-broker, to surrender April 7, 23: soneitont, Messrs. Sharpe and Co. Bedford Row ; Messrs. Lowndes arid Co. Liverpool ; official imilgilee, Mr. Morgan, Liverpool.
DICKINsoN, WILSON, Manchester, saddler, April 8, 29: solicitors, Mr. Mellen, Basinghall Street ; Mr Fogg, Manchester; official assignee, Mr. Hobson, Monehe+ter• KING, HENRY, Fulham, victualler, April 8, May 4 solicitor, Mr. Muehltinui. hail Street ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Beeingliall Street. JOSEril ttaxUEL, New Bond Street, telk"leterer, April 9, May 4 : solicitor, Mr. Bradley, Bernard Street ; °Metal assignee, Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard. TAYL01, Jeerer', Bury, Lancashire, grocer, April 7, May 5: solicitors, Messrs. Clarke and Co. Lincoln's Inn Fields ; Mr. Whitehead, Bury ; official assignee, Mr. Fraser, Manchester.
WILLIAMS, Thomas. Hay, Brecknockshire, malteter, April 9, May 4 : solicitor, Mr. Sabine, Bristol ; official assignee, Mr. Acraman, Bristol.
April 13, Russell, Ashford, saddler-April 9, Howard, Hingham, Norfolk, wine-mer- chant-April 15, Rolfe, Therfield, Hertfordshire, farmer-April 15, Moore, St. Alban's, furniture-broker-April 15, King, K1ngsland Road, soap-manufacturer-April 15, Trice, Stepney, grocer-April 15, Jarvis and Co. Great Bush Lane, wine-merchants -April 15, Groves, Huntingdon, grocer-April 15, Crossllng, Billericay, linendraper-April15, Met- ford, Widcombe, Somersetshire, wine-merchant-April IS, Rouse, Exeter, plumber- April 16, Itowbotham and Kenworthy, Manchester, calico-printers-April 15, Coxwell and Croser, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, merchants-April 15, Heppell, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, timber-merchant-April 15, Hansen, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, merchant-April 15, Pot- ter and Co. Manchester, calico-printers.
To be granted, unleu cause be shown to Me contrary, on the day of meeting.
April 14, Fielder, Alton, brewer-April 14, Brooker, Peckham, grocer-April 13, Hodges, Kingsgate Street, Holborn, clothworker-April 14, Coleman, Southampton, provision-merchant-April 14, Wragg, Melina Place, Westminster Bridge Road, iron- merchant-April 14, Wilkin, Lincoln's Inn, shipbroker-April 14, Tweed, Cambridge, victualler-April 14, Jarman, Walworth Road, llnendraper-April 14, Humby, Black- friars Road, shoemaker-April 15, Barnes, Hammersmith, Ironmonger- April 15, Gass, Colchester, draper -April 13, Smyrk, Lavine Grove, Wharf Road, builder-April 15, Terry, Wych Street, victualler-April 16, Smith. Duntley, apothecary-April 15, Pear- son, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, currier-April 14, Rouse, Exeter, plumber.
To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on or Wore April 13.
Davis, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, hosier-Perry, Croydon, linendraper-Fitzhugh, Liverpool, merchant.
Collins, Rugby, tailor ; div. of 4s. March 25, and three following Thursdays ; Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard-J., W., and E. Yeardley, Ecclesfield, Yorkshire, Sax-spin- ners ; second die. of 9id. ; also first div. of 7s. 6d. on separate estate of J. Yeardley, March 26, or any subsequent Friday ; Mr. Kynaston, Leeds-Bowerman, Ensham, Oxfordshire, carrier ; div. of Ir. 7d (on separate estate,) March 25, and three following Thursdays ; Mr. Belcher, King's Arms Yard-Lord, Manchester, dyer ; first div. of Is. 4d. March 30, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Fraser, Maachester-Leadbeater, Manchester, merchant ; second div. of 9d. and first and second div. of Is. 3d. on new preens, March 30, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Fraser, Manchester-Rodgett, Blackburn, iron-founder ; first div. of 2s. 6d. March 30, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Pott, Manchester-Hague, Manchester, cotton-spinner ; first div. of 13s. 5d. (on separate estate,) March 30, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Port, Manchester-Hal- lam, Newcastle-under-Lyme, grocer ; first. div. of 5s. 6d. any Thursday ; Mr. Valpy, Birmingham-Humfrey, Packwood and Tamworth, Warwickshire, coal-dealer ; first div. of 2s. any Thursday ; Mr. Christie, Birmingham-Canningham, Minerva Street, Hackney Road, proprietor of saw-mills ; div. of 9d. March 26, or any subsequent Fri- day ; Sir. Follett, Sambrook Court, Basffighall Street-Lawrence, Crown Court, Old Broad Street, merchant ; div. of Is. March 26, or any subsequent Friday ; Mr. Follett, Sambrook Court-Yorke, Cambridge, upholsterer ; div. of 3s. March 26, or any subse- quent Friday ; Mr. Follett, Sambrook Court-Cuthbert and M. Clarke junior, Colches- ter Street, Savage Gardens, wine-merchants ; dlr. of gd. March 26, or any subsequent Friday ; Mr. Follett, Sambrook Court-Tappenden, Friendly Place, Old Kent Road, tailor ; div. of 3s. 4d. March 26, or any subsequent Friday; Mr. Follett, Sambrook Court. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS.
CAMPBELL, J., Edinburgh, livery-stable-keeper, March 29, April 22.
Name, J., Glasgow, blacking-grinder, Starch 25, April 22.
WALLLAcE, J., Leith, commission-agent, March 26, April 16.
Friday, MarcA 26.
Whitechurch and Son, Speenhamland, Berkshire, wine-merchants-Clarke and Co. Havannah-Axon and Walsh, Heaton Norris, Lancashire, cotton-spinners-Murray and Carson, Nantwich, tea-dealers-Ellis and Wales, auctioneers-Humphreys and Stones, Manchester, hosiers-Brown and Co. Liverpool ; as far as regards J. M. Priestman- The Coniston Joint-stock Trading Company, Ulveraton, Lancashire, grocers-Burton and Sons, Aidersgate Street-Glover junior and Suter, Liverpool, warehouse-keepers- a C. and E. Smith, Blockley, Worcestersidre, drapers-Gething and Co. Newport, Monmouthshire-J. and W. B. Barnes, St. John Street, Clerkenwell, clothiers-W. and F. Watkins, Thornton Street, Horsleydown, shoe-manufacturers-Brewster and Sea- brook, Brighton, surgeons-Coward and Co. Ingleton, Yorkshire, slate-merchants ; as far as regards W. and M. Taylor-Posnett and Thomas, Lower Tranmere, Cheshire, stonemasons-Readdy and Son, Back Church Lane, St. George's-in-the-East, coopers- Evans and Co. Liverpool, coach-buliders ; as far as regards T. Casson-Turton and Co. Kirkheaton, Yorkshire, manufacturers of fancy goods-Thompson and Son, Framlingham, Suffolk, grocers-Cheadle and Co. Coventry, innkeepers-Smith and Steer, Old Broad Street, stock-brokers-Gladstone and Co. Liverpool, sall-makers ; as far as regards A. Hannay-A. and J. Wilson, Back Road, St. George's-in-the-East, car- penters-G. and R. W. Fuller, estate-agents-Broadwood and Co. Broad Street, Gol- den Square, brewers; as far as regards R. C. Mundell and T. C. Broadwood-Manser and Jenner, Rye, Sussex, attornies-Gemmell and Co. Glasgow, merchants; as far as regards W. L. M'Phun.
BEAUMONT, RICHARD, Deptford, woollen-draper, to surrender April 10, May 1 : soli- citors, Messrs.Norton and Son, Bishopsgate ; official assignee, Mr. Green. Aidermanbury.
Bums, SAMUEL, Trowbridge, woollen-cloth manufacturer, April 9, May 7 : solicitors, Messrs. Valiance and Beloley, Old JewryChambers ; official assignee, Mr. Miller, Bristol.
CLARIDGE, FRANCIS, Bloomsbury, wine-merchant, April 6, May 7 solicitor, Mr. Walters, Basingball Street ; official assignee, Mr. Edwards, Old Jewry.
DENVER, WILLIAM, Little Hampton, Sussex, plumber, April 5, May 3: solicitors, Messrs. Rolfe and Edmunds, Gray's Inn ; Mr. Edmunds, Worthing ; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry Chambers.
DUTCHMAN, Hewsort, Liverpool, merchant. April 7, 27: solicitors, Messrs. Holme, Loftus, and Young, New Am; Mr. Yates jun., Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Caze- nove, Liverpool.
Faancis, Jesse, Holywell. Fllntshire, grocer, April 12, May 3: solicitors, Mr. King, Furnival's Inn ; Mr. Cnnnah, Chester ; official assignee, Mr. Morgan, Liverpool.
HALL, Isaac, Dobcross, Yorkshire, machine-maker, April 9, May 11 : solicitors, Messrs. Rickards and Walker, Lincoln's Inn; Mr. Buckley, Ashton-under-Lyne ; offi- cial assignee, Mr. Pott, Manchester.
HUTCHINSON, Jona, Lloyd Square, wine-merchant, April 8, May 7: solicitors, Messrs. Lawrence and Flews, Old Jewry Chambers; official assignee, Mr. Canaan, Birchin Lane.
JOHNSON, Martinet, Leeds, spindle-maker, April 12, 30: solicitors, Mr. Singleton, Bedford Row; Messrs. Barret, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Kynaston, Leeds.
Kirsos, RICHARD, Cleckheaton, Yorkshire, tow-spinner, April 9, May I : solicitors, Messrs. Mitten and Co. Southampton Buildings ; Messrs. Dunning and Stawman, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Hope, Leeds.
Seery, JEREMIAH, Leeds, share-broker, April 22, May 6: solicitors, Messrs. Sudlow and Co. Chancery Lane ; Mr. Naylor, Leeds ; official assignee, Mr. Young, Leeds.
SMITH, WILLIAM, Uttoxeter, mercer, March 30, April 27 : solicitors, Messrs. Metre- ram and Knowles, Birmingham ; Mr. Cattlow, Cheadle ; official assignee, Mr. Valpy, Birmingham.
WHITE, Jahns, Walton-on-Hill, Lancashire, joiner, April 13, May 7 : solicitors. Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple ; Mr. Snowball, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Tur- ner, Liverpool.
April 16, Bourquin, Northampton Square, watch-manufacturer-April 16, Latham, Dover, baker-April 20, Johnson and Co. Liverpool, commission-agents-April 22, Hod- dlestone, Boston, corn-miller- April 22, Mifflin, Huddersfield, cloth-merchant-April 22, Ward, Batley, Yorkshire, rag-merchant.
To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting.
April 16, Johnson, Chelmsford, grocer-April 16, Eiworthy,` Bridgewater, draper- Mabeon, Whitechapel Road, potato-dealer-April 16, Browne, Newchurch, Isle of Wight, schoolmaster-April 17, Gilman, Frith Street, jeweller-April 16, Wenman, Birkenhead, wine-merchant-April 19, Parry, Manchester, share-broker-April 16, Moseley, Bakewell, Derbyshire, auctioneer.
To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary on or before April 16. Sneezum, Old Street, victualler-Page, Nottingham, currier-Mann, Huntingdon, chemist-Moor, Plymouth, chemist-Eveton, Bunhill Row, turner-Dredge, Liverpool, holelkeeper-Burton, Sidmouth, gas-manufacturer-Clark, George Street, Adelphi, jewel-case maker.
Burness, Twickenham, baker ; first div. of I lid. March 29, and two following Mon- days ; Mr. Cannan, Blrchin Lane-Pullman, Strand, hosier ; first div. of 2s. March 29 and two following Mondays; Mr. Carman, Birchin Lane-Archer, Rochdale, woollen- manufacturer ; second div. of 41d. April 13, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Fraser, Manchester-Royle, Manchester, muslin-manufacturer ; second div. of 3d. April 13, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Mr. Fraser, Manchester-Dale, Liverpool, butcher ; drat d1v. of Id. April 4, or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool-Trimble, Liver- pool, grocer; first div. of 6d. April 4, or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool-Byford, Liverpool, grocer ; second div. of 3d. April 4, or any subsequent Thursday ; Mr. Cazenove, Liverpool-Lloyds, Liverpool, painter ; first div. of Is. 7ct. March 31, or any subsequent Wednesday ; Mr. Morgan, Liverpool-Fearnley, Bradford, stuff-manufacturer ; second div. of 81d., and 2s. 8fd. on subsequent prootk, any day on or after April 5 ; Mr. Young, Leeds.
Donate, J. A., Glasgow, laceman, March 29, April 19. ArCuzzoen, W., Greenock, cheese-merchant, April 1, 26,