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ON Wednesday, the Fast Day, the Queen, Prince Albert, the Dutchesa of Kent, the ladies and gentlemen of the Court, and the domestic Household, attended divine service in the private chapel of the Palace. The sermon was preached by the Bishop of Oxford.
The Queen held a chapter of the Order of the Garter yesterday, at Buckingham Palace. The Honourable and Reverend George Neville Gren- ville was admitted to take the oath of office as Registrar of the Order; and was invested by her Majesty with the gold chain and badge. The Most Noble Francis Duke of Bedford was elected one of the Knights Com- panions; and received the investiture of the Garter, Riband, and George, with the usual ceremonies.
Her-Majesty gave an audience to Lord John Russell on Thursday, at Buckingham Palace. The inauguration of Prince Albert as Chancellor of the University of Cambridge took place on Thursday afternoon. The deputation from the University arrived at the Palace about three o'clock, and was received. by the Prince in the Throne-room. His Royal Highness stood in his robes of office, in front of the throne, and close to a magnificent chair of state pro- vided for the occasion. The Reverend Dr. Philpott, Vice-Chancellor of the University, delivered an address; after which, the Proctor read the letters-patent conferring the office. The oaths of supremacy, &c., were ad ministered by the Vice-Chancellor; who then conducted the Prince to the chair of state, and presented to him a copy of the Statutes of the Univer sky. The next step was the Latin oration, delivered by the Public Orator, the Reverend Thomas Crick: it has not yet been given to light in a printed form. In reply, his Royal Highness delivered an address of compliments and professions. In conclusion, the Vice-Chancellor presented the prin- cipal members of the University. Afterwards, the Vice-Chancellor and officers partook of a sumptuous ddjeliner at the Palace. Prince Albert presided yesterday at a meeting of the Fine Arts Com mission, in the New Palace at Westminster. The Queen and Prince Albert visited the Queen Dowager, at Marl- borough House, on Saturday. On Monday evening, her Majesty went to the St. James's Theatre in company with the Dutchess of Kent.
On Tuesday the Queen received a visit from the Dutchess of Gloucester. The Queen Dowager and the Duke of Cambridge attended divine service on Wednesday in the Chapel Royal. The Dutchess of Cambridge and Princess Mary performed their devotions at St. Michael's Church, Chester Square. The Duke of Cambridge inspected the new buildings in Lincoln's Inn on Thursday. His Royal Highness was received with much ceremony, by the Vice-Chancellor of England and the Benchers ; partook of a cold col- lation, and added his signature to those of King Charles the Second, Queen Victoria, and other illustrious personages, in one of the ancient books of the society.
Yesterday was the birthday of Prince George of Cambridge. The Duke and Dutohess of Cambridge and the Princess Mary dined with the Dutchess of Gloucester yesterday, at Gloucester House.