The market for English Securities has been exceedingly quiet all the week, with a continued absence of business ; from the opening on Monday up to yesterday, there had not been 1 per cent fluctuation. While the demand for Money had somewhat increased at the Bank, loans on Govern- ment Securities in the Stock Exchange ranged from 11 to 2 per cent. In expectation that the Bank Directors were yesterday to lower the existing rate, the Consol market exhibited more firmness, and advanced from 96/ to 971 buyers but no change took place. The more settled position of affairs in France llas led, within the last two days, to an advance of if per cent. This improvement is supported by the belief that the new Indian Loan of 5,000,0001. will not be felt in the Consol market, but that, from the large amount of unemployed capital in many large establishments, the entire amount will be immediately taken up, with slight effect on the money- market. The loan is to be on the secunty of debentures for a period of five years, with interest at the rate of 4 per cent per annum, payable half- yearly, by coupons attached. Consols opened on Monday morning at 96/ 97, and close this afternoon for Money at 97 1, and for 8th April at 971 971. Exchequer Bills, 358. 40s. The market for Foreign Stocks has been of an improving character this week, although there has been little real business doing : most descriptions of Stock are better, and some especially so—Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cent has advanced fully 2 per cent-82f 83/, Peruvian Three per Cents, 561 574—the main cause being an extreme scarcity of the Stock. There is thought to be mill upwards of 80,0001. to be bought for redemption this half-year. The Victor Emmanuel Loan has risen 2 per cent ; attention being drawn to the extreme cheapness of the security. Supposing money to continue at its present low rate, there is hardly a doubt but that the at- tention of the public will be given to this market, as most of the dividend- paying stocks are at a very low figure compared with other things. Mexi- son leaves off at 191 20; Bdenos Ayres, 78 80 ; Ditto Deferred, 16 17; Chi- lien, 105 107- Turkish Six per Cent, 102 1024; Ditto Four per Cent, 104 104f; Spank* Three per Cent, 44 444; Spanish Deferred, 261 261.
Railway Shares have varied about 1 per cent throughout the week, but business has been wholly unimportant. Caledonian Shares have been par- ticularly heavy, closing today at 44 444. Midland and North-Western Stock have likewise receded, the former being now quoted at 961 1, and the latter at 951 951. London and Brighton close at 105 107; Great West- ern 584 59; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 881 89; South-Eastern, 201 21; Great Northern, 2544; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 37/ 384; North British, 62 521. There is a little more activity in the market at the close this afternoon.
The French market has been steady, but the continuance of bad traffic checks any rise. Paris and Lyons, 33 t331; Northern of France, 38 381; Paris and Strasbourg, 271 274.
The Indian market is decidedly firm; the ease with which it is expected the Loan will be obtained giving confidence. East Indian, 110 111; Great Indian Peninsula, 211 22; Madras 201. Shares, 201 21.
COHSOIS opened firm at the last price of yesterday, 971 97f ; a reaction of 1 per cent has since occurred upon unfavourable rumours as regards both France and India the price is now 971 971. Foreign Stocks are flat. Rail- way Shares are dub, with slight alteration.
The Funds are a shade firmer-971 for the Account. Railway Shares are steady. Dealers are engaged in arranging for the settlement on Monday ; Contangos are very light. Foreign Stocks are dull, but with only slight change in quotations. Bristol and Exeter, 90; Caledonian, 87f; Eastern Counties, 584; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 994j Great West- tern, 58; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 89; London and North-Western, 954; London and South-Western, 92f; Manchester, Sheffield and Lincoln- shire, 30; Midland, 964; North British, 521; North-Eastern—York, 76. Joint Stock Banks—London and Westminster, 45; Ottoman Bank, 171. Miscellaneous—Crystal Palace, 14; Royal Mail Steam, 60.
3 per Cent Consols Ditto Account Dit 97 a 971 -1 8 per Cent Reduced shut New 3 per Cents shut Long Annuities shut Bank Stock shut Exchequer Bills 35 40 India Stock shut Austrian 5 per Cents 90 93 131-atilian 5 per Cents .. .....
102f 1044
Belgian 44 per Cents 99 101 Chilian 6 per Cents 105 107 Danish 5 per Cents 100 102
Danish 3 per Cents
83 85 Dutch 24 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents 651 66 100a 1 1 :Mexican 3 per Cents 194 20 Peruvian 44 per Cents 82 84 Ditto 3 per Cent 56 58 Portuguese 3 per Cents 1953. 45 46
Russian 5 per Cents
109 111 Ditto 44 per Cents - 99 101 Spanish 3 per Cents
44 5
Ditto Deferred 26 264 Sardinian 5 per Cents 91 93 Swedish 4 per Cents 80 83 Turkish 6 per Cents 1014 2 Ditto 4 per Cents Guaranteed 104 a
At a meeting of the English shareholders of the Alliance (France and England) Bank, on Wednesday, it was announced that the dividend for the past year will be at the rate d 5 per cent. A balance of 16,747/. is to be carried to the reserve-fund.
— Messrs. Dennistoun and Co., whose suspension for 2,000,000/. was one of the most serious events of the recent crisis, and who subsequently arranged to pay in full by instalments, have issued a circular anticipating the pay- ment due on the 31st of July on general account, and on the 30th of June on Australian account, and stating their readiness to meet the same on the 31st of this month.
The firm of T. H. Elmenhorst and Co., an old house in the Swedish trade, is to be added to those who, having suspended during the monetary crisis, have now announced their ability to pay all claims in full.
It is expected that all claims on Mr. A. R. Lafone, of Liverpool, will shortly be met in full; the stoppage arose from the receipt of bills from Montevideo on houses which have suspended. Mr. H. P. Maples, commission-merchant add insurance-broker, and agent to Dieppe and Jersey steamers, haa announced his inability to meet his en- pgestants, in consequence of the depreciation in the value of steam-ships.
Atlantic Telegraph shares, 1000/. paid-up, have been sold this week at 7051.
The West-End ef London Railway is now complete, and was examined on Tuesday by the Government Inspector. It is hoped that it may be open for public traffic on Monday next. The inhabitants of Belgravia, West- rninster, Kensington, and the adjacent localities will thereby be enabled, from the "Riverside Terminus," at the foot of Chelsea new Suspension Bridge, to reach Brighton in one hour and a quarter, and Dover and Ports- mouth in two hours and a half. The line will also give increased facility ef access to the Crystal Palace, and the localities of Balhans Hill, Streat- ham, Norwood, and Sydenham, through which it passes.
CRYSTAL PALsoz.—Return of admissions for six days ending Friday March 26th, including season-ticket-holders, 10,722.