C4t Court.
Mum state business has been transacted this week by the Queen. Her Majesty held a court on Monday. Baron Brunnow had audience, and delivered his credentials as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipo- tentiary from the Emperor of All the Russias. The Earl of Malmesbury had audience. On Thursday, the Queen held a chapter of the Order of the Garter at Buckingham Palace; the Duke of Wellington and the Duke of Devonshire being elected and duly invested with the insignia of the Order. On Wednesday, her Majesty held a levee at • St. James's Palace. It was attended by a throng of military men and civilians.
Besides these Court duties, the Queen, accompanied by the Prince Consort, visited the camp at Aldershott, reviewed the troops there, and inspected the new barracks. She has also been present at the Hay- market Theatre and the Olympic Theatre. The Prince Consort has been to a musical performance at St. Martin's Hall, and he was present at the opening performance in St. James's Hall on Thursday night. Yes- terday the Queen gave audience to the Judge-Advocate-General. After- wards she drove over the new Chelsea Bridge. The Prince Consort at- tended a lecture at the United Service Institution, and visited the studio of Mr. Theed.
The list of guests at Buckingham Palace includes the names of the Duke of Cambridge, the Duke of Beaufort, the Marquis and Marchioness of Stafford, Earl and Countess Granville, the Earl of Ellenborough, Lord Stanley, the Duke and Duchess of Northumberland, the Duke and Duchess of Manchester, the Earl and Countess of Derby, Lord Macaulay, Mr. and Lady Mary Labouchere, the Marquis of Lansdowne, the Earl of Carlisle, Major-General and Lady Alicia Peel, Mr. and Mrs. Disraeli, and Sir William Williams.