PARLIAMENT was dissolved on Wednesday, in a speech which, amid the turmoil of the Elections, has created very little interest. It is, indeed, only noteworthy for 'the unusual emphasis with which the Queen is made to vraise the worst Parliament since 1832. for the "zeal and ability it has displayed," for the " useful measures " it has passed, and " especially for the manner in which it has upheld a policy the object of which was at once to 'defend my Empire and to secure the general peace." That is a party declaration, and it is unusual to put party declarations into the mouth of the Sovereign. The Queen has a "confident hope" that the measures adopted in Afghanistan will lead to a speedy settlement, trusts that the plans for the relief of distress will be accepted in Ireland " as a. proof of the ready sympathy of the Imperial Parliament," rejoices to observe indications of a general improvement in trade, has witnessed with the greatest sympathy the heavy losses sustained by agriculture, and with " admiration " the patience and high spirit with which they have been borne, and hopes for suggestions from the Agricultural Commission which " will lead to the more profitable use of agricultural. land." Nothing is said of foreign affairs in the future, and no fear expressed of complications which, indeed, her Majesty does not fear, or this moment of excitement would not be selected for a tour upon the Continent.