The New Poultry - Guide for British Farmers and others. By Kinaird
Baghot-de in Bore. (Seeley and Co.)—Mr. de la Bore claims that in this little book he shows "the one and only way of making farm poultry a rent-paying industry ; " unfortunately his performance does not equal his promise. What is wanted in a little text-book of this kind is a full description of all the tninutix on the carrying out of which the success of hens depends. For instance, the exact age should be given after which it is no longer profitable to keep a hen, the exact time at which suc- cessive hatchings should be made, to give a really constant supply of eggs; for while, as is pointed out, March and April hatched pullets supply winter eggs, yet if they are all the poultry-keeper has to depend on, the egg-basket will be empty in September. Mr. de In Bere should publish another edition of his book, taking as through two years of poultry-keeping, and telling in detail all that should be done in each successive month. In fact details, details, and still more details should be the motto for text-books of this description.