Constant debate
Though the television station draws no editorial conclusions of its own, the debate about the present Gibraltar boom is a regular feature of its programmes. The President of the Chamber of Commerce described the present administration as 'viciously anti-com- mercial'. Yet he reported in a television inter- view : 'Some traders are keeping their heads well above water, others are not. Speaking generally, we are keeping our heads well above water, but it is a completely false economy. It is an economy based on taking in each other's washing.'
Rarely can a laundry have seemed so busy. The Rock has moved to a two-job economy. The removal of Spanish labour has meant that a worker there can now double up as a bus driver and delivery man, for example. The result is an increase in consumer spend- ing. There's the money around now for the new refrigerator and record player. The workers' wages have kept pace with the cost of living and, in fact, they have raised their standard of living.