Digging for jobs
Sir: Under the Smallholdings and Allot- ments Act of 1908, six registered ratepayers are entitled to demand the right to allot- ments from their councils. The costs of fen- cing, water supply, toilets and a community shed that could replace costly or unsightly sheds can be paid by the rates or govern- ment grants. That would be money well spent, in addition to the value in replacing junk foods with vitamin-rich fresh vegetables grown by working with others.
We would be glad to send our report 'Allotments for the Unemployed', our pamphlet 'Land for Food' on getting an allotment, and 'Dig for Survival', our sim- ple leaflet on gardening without chemicals, to anyone interested in this idea. A stamp- ed, addressed envelope would be ap- preciated.
Lawrence D. Hills Henry Doubleday Research Association, B°raciknitnrgee
13 , Essex