Books Wanted
THE SON OF GRIEF, a cricket novel by Dudley Carew. Merritt, Blotenburgweg 12, 4030 Ratingen 6 (Mosel), Germany.
SAVAGE SOLOMONS by S. G. C. Knibbs, 'Doctor in Paradise' by S. M. Lambert, 'Naturalist among Head-Hunters' by C. M. Woodford, 'Travels in the South Seas' by H. A. Bernatzik. Write: Smiley, 20 Buxey Lodge, 37 Conduit Rd, Hong Kong.
GEORGINA MASSON: `Frederick 11 of Hohenstaufen'. Write: 41 Mermaid St, Rye, Sussex.
WAR AT SEA in 3 vols by S. W. Roskill, published by H. M. Stationery Office. Captain P. H. S. Reid RN, Church Street House, Lopen, South Petherton, Somerset TAI3 5JX.
THE SLEEP-WALKERS and 'The Unknown Quantity' (trans. Willa and Edwin Muir) by Her- mann Broch, 'The Works of Edwin Muir (1887-1959)'. Issue No 87 'Encounter' (Ham- burger 'Edwin Muir'). Cost and condition to Dennis Ward, Snowdon View, Timble Great, Otley, N Yorkshire LS21 2NN.
J. F. MACI)ONALD: 'The War History of Southern Rhodesia'. C. J. Garratt, 81 Port St, Evesham, Worcs.
SEX AND CHARACTER by Otto Weininger. Telephone: 01-226 5847 (Mr Wears).
THE TIMES GUIDE to the House of Commons for 1979 and October 1974 elections. John Ent- whistle, Leighton House, Parkgate, South Wir- ral, Cheshire.
NORMAN HAMPSON: 'Danton' published by Duckworth in 1978, and 'A Social History of the French Revolution' published by Routledge & Kegan Paul in 1963. Write giving price and con- dition to J. Bowden, 24 Milton Gardens, Wok- ingham, Berks RG11 IDA.
ANY BOOKS OR MAGAZINES about Pek- ingese dogs. Any language acceptable. Older books of special interest. Write Mr Tucker, 36 Vancouver St, St John's, New Foundland, Canada ALA 2R6.
BRITISH CIVIL AIRCRAFT 1919-1959 by A. J. Jackson, 'The Brabazon Story' by Lord Brabazon, 'Slide Rule' by Nevil Shute, 'All Over the Place' by Compton Mackenzie, 'Singapore; The Battle That Shook the World' by James Leasor, 'Where Monsoons Meet' by Donald Moore and 'The Double Tenth Trial' by Colin Sleeman and S. C. Silkin. Write Box No 999BC. SHELDRAKE, a novel by Michael Wharton. Box No 207SA.
3 VOLS AUTOBIOGRAPHY of Claud Cockburn. Will exchange 'Books and the Man' by J. T. Winterich, N.Y. 1926 presentation copy, inscription reading "Burton Emmett from John T. Winterich, N.Y. Sept. 4, 1929". Guy R. Lyle, 2229 Tanglewood Rd, Decatur, Georgia 30033. ANIMATIONS OF MORTALITY by Terry Gilliam. Mr J. D. Thomas, 4 Hillersdon Avenue, London SW13. Tel: 01-878 0627.
PHILOSOPHY OF MATHEMATICS; SELECTED READINGS by Paul Benacerraf and Hilary Putnam. B. 1. Smalley, 28 The Rid- dings, Coventry CV5 6AU.
This column is a free service for readers. Please send details of any books you wish to buy or sell to: Books Wanted Column, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WCIN 2LL.