Sir Roderick Murchison has resigned the Presidency of the Royal
'teographical Society, and Sir Henry Rawlinson has been elected his successor. Sir Roderick has been for thirty rare connected -with the society, and eighteen years its President, and though himself rather a geologist than a geographer, has taken a leading mart in all its exploring expeditions. Possessed of great tact, competent knowledge, great scientific curiosity, and a good social position, Sir Roderick has made his favourite Society the best -known and most popular in London, the number of members hav- ing increased from 600 in 1843, when he was first elected, to 2,400. His successor will probably direct the labours of the society a little more towards Asiatic exploration, a field in which there is still much of interest to be accomplished. Western China needs an explorer almost as much as the Nyanza Valley.