Pending the meeting of Sir Alfred Milner and President Kruger,
the less said about the Transvaal controversy the better. We must, however, chronicle the debate in the on the President's proposals in regard to the franchise. At that debate a very strong feeling was, unhappily, expressed by the conservative and reactionary Boers in regard to any expansion of the franchise. For example, M. Dutoit declared that "the franchise was the only weapon they could use against their enemies, and they must keep it in their own hands." If this is the temper in which the problem is to be handled, and if the majority of the inhabitants of the Trans- vaal are to be treated as enemies, the Republic can never have a firm foundation. It is to be hoped, however, that President Kruger will show more insight than M. Dutoit. We are glad to note that General Joubert expressed himself in a wise and liberal spirit to an interviewer. If such a spirit can be infused into the Boers generally Vie futurs of the Republic may yet be prosperous and secure.