Our Brief against Rome. By the Rev. C. S. Isaacson.
(R.T.S. 2s. 6d.)—This summary of the Roman controversy is well put together. The Papal claims, temporal and spiritual ; the exalta- tion of tradition ; the continual development of novelties in- belief and practice; the practical polytheism which—for the ignorant, at any rate—has grown out of the cult of the Virgin and the saints ; the record of past persecutions,—these and other matters are set forth with a telling brevity and force. It would not serve any good purpose to give extracts. The book should be studied as a whole ; it is much wanted. Not the least signifi- cant departure of the High Churchmen to-day from the model which they profess to follow, the Anglicanism of the seven- teenth century, is their attitude towards Rome.