27 MAY 1905, Page 23

A History of Crondall and Yateley. By the Bev. C.

D. Stooks. (Warren and Son.)—Crondall and Yateley are two large Hemp. shire parishes. They contain respectively fifteen and sixteen square miles, with populations of 3;188 and 3,043. lin, Stooks has -had charge successively of the two, and he has utilised Mk -opportunity by studying the history of the pail-Shea as recorded in the churchwardens' accounts, vestry-books, &c. Every parish in the kingdom has something interesting, and we are always obliged to any incumbent who collects these notices, so fall or significance as they .often are. Itchel Manor, in Crondall, is, we are told, a haunted house,—"a well-authenticated instance," says Mr. Stooks ; but he-gives no details except that "the house is now let to strangers and the noises have ceased." The curious thing is that the present owners are comparatively new oomers, inheriting from a purchase in 1773. We cannot attempt to notice the. various details which with laudable industry Mr. Stooks has brought together. Taken one by one they might seem trifling; as a Whole they help us to realise the past. We see that Mr. Stooks thinks that "the Second Prayer-book of Edward VI. marks the lowest ebb of Calvinism "--he means presumably the "highest flood s'—" which the Church of England ever reached." Is he aware that this same book is practically the "Book of Common Prayer" ?