27 MAY 1905, Page 23

"The Arnold Prose Books." (E. Arnold. 2d. and 4d., cloth.)

—This is a collection of extracts from various prose writers ; "essayists and writers whose complete works do not usually find their way into school have, as a rule, been chosen" in drawing up the list. A biographical note follows the extract. The first volume is Selections from Oliver Goldsmith ; the second, Selections from Froissart's Chronicles. Lamb, Francis Bacen, Sir T. Malory, Gibbon, Samuel Johnson, Macaulay, and ether great English authors follow. The last is R. W. Emerson. Each volume contains forty-eight pages.—In the series of "Jack's Historical Readers" (T. C. and E. C. Jack) we have Stuart England, by Shadra.ch Hicks (1s. 61)—is it a fact that Laud set up crucifixes in the churches ?—and Hanoverian England, by E. E. Bakers (1s. 8d.)