27 MAY 1905, Page 23

With Singing unto Zion. By Edward Gough, B.A. (Kegan Paul,

Trench, and Co. 65. net.)—Mr. Gough, whose "Bible True from the Beginning" we remember to have noticed in one or more of its issues, is, in his way, an " Athanasius contra mundum." Miracles are " spiritual" ; so is the " Resurrection" ; wherever the third person is used in a book of Scripture it is to be interpreted spiritually; the first is literal. This and many other such things are expounded in a prefatory "Note." Then we come to the poems, of which there are many hundreds. Most of them have the character of hymns. But Mr. Gough's views of life, religious and social, are to be found in "A Christian Radical's Charter," a very strange piece of doggerel, especially as coming from a Christian minister.