AS A POSTSCRIPT to Norman St. John-Stevas's article in this
issue, it may be mentioned that the Irish, Censorship Board have given yet another proof of their prowess in their last list of banned publications, which include Nine Novels (Vols. 1 and 2), by Somerset IVIaugham; The Mint; and Collins's Ency- clopaedia. Mr. Paul Blanshard, whose book The Irish and CatholiC Power' has not been banned, would doubtless be amused at this addition to his own list. Mr. Blanshard would also be entertained by the posters now on view in Dublin, put out by a Catholic weekly, the Standard: GRAHAM GREENE : tHE ENEMY WITHIN THE GATES. The reason for this attack was ostensibly a production in Dublin' of The Living Room. which the Standard's critic decided was not Catholic. But the real reason, apparently, was the publication of Graham Greene's articles on Viet Nam in the Sunday Times., which said rude things about the way in which, the Roman Catholic Church there had allowed itself to be exploited to serve US interests.