Come Back, Angus
I was sorry that Mr Angus Maude had to re- sign from the Conservative front bench as, a result of his critical article in the SPECTATOR some four months ago. So I'm particularly glad that, at a meeting of the 1922 Committee a few days ago. his fellow back-benchers elected him to fill one of two vacancies on the party's Advisory Committee on Policy. (The other successful candidate was Sir Harmar Nicholls, and there were three unsuccessful runners.) The Advisory Committee on Policy, whose chairman is Mr Edward Heath, and whose membership includes representatives of the Tory front bench, the central organisation, the party in Parliament and the party in the country, is not, of course. the most important policy-making body within the Conservative party: but all the same Mr Maude's unexpected election to it shows an agreeable catholicity and lack of recrimination. Angus Maude will be writing again in the SPECTATOR, next week.