„ tv , li tieS ` 11 -t-OND reading debate on Castel:Merit's pension Bill Mrs
Bargave another exhibition of that , temper which she has brought 13e,ech and parliamentary interh5 made in her new shadow days Labour social services Were adept at producting a cornajo white-hot anger and gentle uti-or 'or the sufferings of those in 1s1 if often unrealistic, their .1, 'ere nonetheless informed with is:14rs Castle bids fair to change "ncl the situation looks particuOr Labour at a time when she is ° a Secretary of State disl°r his ability as well as his ,who is daily winning more °h among Labour, sold re constituency. It seems that the by eted on Mrs Castle's selfUnhappy experiences at the INC Ltalployrnent and Productivity witkuer incapable of handling any 1"1 siPut ferocity. It is not only on i" that Members look back with !uic) the days when a constructive ktelationship was developing beteeith Joseph and the gentler, and oe.rff,ective, Mrs Shirley Williams. be, [,.'"'GH consider the pensions tive' has a number of faults, and ponc)PPesition to it is therefore li my reference the other 4'isablement Income Group's fvh the grounds that the new ttu to integrate disablement t, p," Pensions structure I now ,.,'"arlY next month, DIG will be ch`tihiprehensive proposals to this „ 4,!nees of such proposals being I Would judge, fifty-fifty. both4re from DIG they will inevita t, a • ginative and constructive, lilu d'r,te group enjoys more respect Willi.,-Verrirrierit. The difficulty, as the Treasury's resistance to lt\v roi, Lab° ur draft policy statement v'zit b•g raish-rnash of non-policies. t°0 sharply reiterated that lAit-h, tripst th iMportant things to go 4atu e Labour government were hitli"?.eParation in opposition, and cohjitgarion of social purpose to a ik cyf -otnic aim righting the ,l),1aytrients — in power. The cur1 t"°cUrnent is, we are told, a col.Nqp°geti-ler by Mr Terry Pitt. It at 14 es' s°11he of the wilder flights of ,„-ge 196e _ like a tilt ,i'llaria income, for which no E _ thk , tt141t.' all had been done. But it also usqui,grly Use whatever of the ny ,.:Tot of outside critical analysis 141;ysearch undertaken by Labour ft.,4138,„ since the last election. And .`ressitt,g point is that much of uk,"klirab,ilirtlerit is concentrated on Orlith'es and sterile opposition to the-ern' spresent policies. CerL1'14,2°cial field nothing, it seems, It)91t, ed, and the lessons of failure getteh,
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