Best woman
Andrew Robson
WHILST there would be considerable dis- agreement as to who is the best male bridge player in the world today, there would be much more certainty about the best female player.
Born and raised in Germany before a stint in the US (where she achieved 'Life Master' status in a record ten weeks), Sabine Auken (née Zenkel) now lives in Denmark, where she is married to Jens, a Danish International player and adminis- trator. Her long-standing partnership with Daniella von Arnim has ensured that Ger- many has been near the top of world bridge for over a decade.
This week's hand features her in a typi- cal virtuoso performance, matching bold bidding with excellent card-reading.
Dealer West 4 K 9 7 4 ♦ 5 • 7 6 5 4 # K 8 5 3
4 10 r84 * A J 4 .1 North-South Vulnerable 8 3 2 10 3 2
4 5 ♦ K 0 J 9 6 3 2
• K Q 9 # 6 4 N W E
4 A J 6 91 A 10 7
• 8
4 A 0 10 9 7 2 The Bidding South West North East pass pass 4, pass pass pass West led V5 and Sabine won East's VJ with VA. At trick two she led +A and fol- lowed with +9, winning the trick, and 4Q, West winning 4K (dummy discarding V8 and *2). West switched accurately to *6 but Sabine rose with *A, trumped *3 (noting East following with •Q), and, leav- ing West's last trump outstanding because she could not spare a further discard from dummy at this stage, led 4J.
West correctly refused to win 4J with his 4K, but Sabine overtook 4J with dummy's 4Q, trumped 410 bringing down 4K, then drew West's last trump (now able to afford a discard 42 from dummy). She led 4A then followed with 46. West won 4K but had to give dummy the last two tricks with 410 and 4Jr.