Fuller accounts from Constantinople confirm the representations as to the
serious nature of the differences between Turkey and Greece. The irritation in the Turkish capital was extreme. One important fact is added : a ,despatch had been received at Constantinople by way of Athens, in which Lord Aberdeen refuses to sanction any attempt Oct the part of King Otho to procure an extension of the Greek frontier. Letters from Beyrout to the 29th October announce that Syria had again become the theatre of violence and bloodshed. On the 12th, the Druses from Dair-el-Kamur assailed with the utmost ferocity the Christian population, who had met to deliberate on the affairs of the Mountain, and put old men, women, and children, to the sword. The Christians ran to arms, and civil war was raging throughout the coun- try. No fewer than a hundred villages had been sacked, and Beyrout was crowded with families who had fled from the fury of the combat- ants. Colonel Rose, &lint Pasha, and Emir Beshir, had vainly endea- voured to arrest the violence of the Druses.