27 NOVEMBER 1858, Page 20


On the 30th September, at New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S., John S. Washington, Esq., of Richmond, Virginia, to Victoria, third daughter of W. Bernard MacCabe, the well-known Catholic novelist.

On the 13th October, at Mount Aboo, East Indies, Eugene C. 'ropey, Esq., Ben- gal Infantry, and Political Agent at Minn, son of the late Edward Impey, Eaq., formerly of the Bengal Civil Service, to Isabella Catharine, second daughter of Bri- gadier-General 0.51. P. Lawrence, Official Agent to the Governor-General in Raj- pootana. On the 23d November, at St. George's, Hanover Square, Henry E. Hall, Lieutenant 13th Light Infantry, only son of Lieutenant-General Hall, C.B., of Merville, county Dublin, and Knockbrack, county Galway, to Annie, only child of Colonel Thomas Moore, Bengal Army, and granddaughter of the late Henry Moore, Esq., of Cre- morgrui, Queen's county, Ireland. On the 25th, at St. Michael's Chester Square, Henry Thurstan Holland, Esq., eldest son of Sir Henry Holland, Bart., to Margaret Jean Trex elyan, eldest daughter of Sir Charles E. Trevelyan, K.C.B. On the 25th, at St. James's, Piccadilly, Edgar Atheling Drummond, Esq., son of Mn, and Lady Elizabeth Drummond, to the Hon. Louisa Theodosia Pennington, sister of Lord Muncaster,