[To THE EDITOR OF TUE "SPECTAFOR.") Silt,—We are all making the most of our blue cards. If we could honestly assure single men and married alike that what can be done to assure their being enrolled in the corps they prefer will be done, preference being given in the order of their being attested, and secondly, that something will be done by way of training during the months before they are called up, we should not so often be met by the reply: "1 see no difference in going now or waiting till I am fetched." Or how am I to point out the difference P-1 am, Sir, Ac.,
[" You will get nothing but honour by going at once instead of waiting to be fetched; but is not that worth getting P" That is what we should say to the men who took tho line
describsd by Mr. Lee Warner. The present writer at the beginning of the National Reserve movement had some experience in getting men to join. He always pointed out that no sort of material advantage could possibly accrue to a man by joining the National Reserve, and that membership meant duty and self-sat:rifle° and not gain. The effect was not deterrent but stimulative—such is the nature of English- men.—En. Spectator.]