be said at once that no distinctively Roman doctrine, nothing inconsistent with the beliefs of the universal Christian Church, is to be found in this excellent little book. In a few words prefacing this enlarged edition the author tells us that the thoughts the book contains have already been found a source of help by Nonconformists, and expresses a hope that in its new form it may still be useful to varieties of minds. Art and tradition naturally have their say on a subject they have made their own through centuries; and poets, from the old Latin hymn-writers through Dante to our own George Herbert and Ken, not excluding those of the present day so far as the plan and spirit of the book admit them, bear witness to the strong comfort and hope which, us the Bishop of Kensington's introductory words point out, may be found by natures the most unlike in meditations such as these. They are based on the Gospels alone, and are offered to the sorrowful of our own day, that they may learn, as the Bishop says, " what love's secret is, and the source from which calm strength and steadfast courage spring." The frontis- piece, from a Luca della. Robbie, plaque at Stia, is singularly charming.