27 NOVEMBER 1915, Page 24


CAPTAIN A. Mona's, who is Instructor of Musketry to the Falmouth Garrison, has published an eminently practical

little treatise i on the art of teaching recruits how to shoot. This is one of the most difficult problems connected with the

organization of the New Army, and its admirable solution is wonderful to one who has, like the present writer, had an

opportunity of seeing the new and simplified system in operation. Captain Morris gives the following list of the qualifications of a good instructor;-

" (1) He should possess a thorough knowledge of his subject ; (2) ho should have a sequence of instruction ; (3) he should not be too critical ; (4) he must be patient and forbearing; (5) he ought to teach by force of example rather than by word of mouth ; (5) ho must be able to impart his knowledge clearly and con- cisely; (7) he must be able to demonstrate correctly what he teaches; (8) he must be quick to detect faults and apply a remedy; (9) he must be colloquial and able to stimulate interest and competition amongst his pupils, at the same time maintaining firm discipline."

The marvellous thing about the New Armies is that an adequate supply of N.C.O.'s possessing these qualifications seems to have sprung up almost in a night—such at least is the experience of the present writer. Something, of course, must be allowed for the special keenness which is fostered. alike in teachers and pupils, by the near prospect of putting their lessons to practical account. But one or the best assets of this country lies in the fact that we have had the material from which to improvise a system which bids fair to outdo that so long and arduously organized by our enemies.

How to Keep Fit' is described as a "soldiers' guide to health in war and peace." It is arranged in alphabetical order, and the inquirer can promptly look up what he wants to know about such subjects as frostbite, smoking, chafing, sore feet, Sw. Major Waite writes very simply and plainly, and every soldier should find room in his haversack for this handy little manual.

The Whirter Retractors is not exactly a book, but deserves notice here because it seems a very useful addition to the officer's library. It is a device for enabling any one, however untrained in drawing, to make a useful and intelligible sketch of a landscape, so as to illustrate a report on the kind of country over which an attack may have to be conducted. The

essential feature of this device is a framed rectangle of trans- parent celluloid or tale, which is divided into numerous sectors by curved lines, and has also a horizon line and a vertical direction line marked on it. With it is supplied a sketch block on which similar lines are marked in faint blue ink.

The sketcher holds the frame up in front of his eye—always preserving the same distance by means of a string attached to a bead which is held in the mouth—and then sketches in each sector on the block the features which appear in the corre- sponding sector on the retractor. The whole thing can be easily carried in the pocket, being the same size as Army Book 153, and from practical experience we can strongly recommend it to all officers and N.0.0.'s who are likely to be required to make field sketches.