SIR,—I would suggest that Strix is incorrect when he states that an Abominable Snowman has not .yet been seen by a white man. I would refer him to a broadcast by W. H. `Liman reprinted in the Listener of
February 10th, 1949. In this he quotes a Mr. A. N. Tombazi, who gives a detailed description of sighting a Snowman 200-300 yards away in Sikkim in 1925.
Mr. Tombazi, who lives in Athens and is a member of one of the leading mountaineer- ing clubs in this country, gave permission for this extract from his book, which was intended for private circulation, to be broadcast.—Yours faithfully,
E. BENTLEY BEAUMAN 59 Chester Row, S.W.1 SIR,—I would like to believe, as Strix does, in the Abominable Snowman. But he cannot have sprung, fully abominable, into existence. There must have been at least some rather abominable Snowparents. Let us hope he has found a not too Abomihable Snow-wife in the Himalayan wastes and, perhaps, begotten some absolutely Abominable teeny-weeny Snowchildren to perpetuate the mystery.—Yours faithfully,