The II. C. Ships of the Season have been timed-as follows, v eke or York. 1.oeke; and Sealeb■., Castle, ilillman, kr Bengel and China ; Marquis or II anti v, II het; and_ l et' Su-sex, Whin-lend, for Brettl,1,- awl China ; ant Ike ehav, 1.1eliaway, for St. Helena. Bengal,' awl China. to be in the Neva, on I he 10th Jan. lterekelsitire,nrord; :111.1 Thawes. Piddiug, fin Inenbay anti china Warren nastiMts. Patello;. ,rnid ihichingliain,hire. Shea, fur Bengal end China., oil the 24t1k J:in. Lowther Castle, Barris, 'Mr Si. 1 lelene. Bombay, and China. en the 9111Feb. Cestk It en t y, Jolinstone ; anti Yam it tail. Sem t. for Bene-al and China; holy Shepherd ; ml Farquharson, Cruiekshank, 66 Bombay and China, on tlw 23.11 Feb. Waterloo. lilehclv : Inglis, Delman ; :1101 Prince It cgent, A pl ht, for .Chins direct, oil limit Aplil : met Minerva', —; Thienas G nlenville, Burnett ; and Rose, —, for ditto. on 23111 A pril. The tantler- mein iened Capt ins have been sworn into the commander their respective ships—Capt. :I. tilIhiumsim, Sealeby Castle; Capt. '1'. Sandys, Warren 'Listings ; Capt.. C. K. Johnstone, Castle I LIM'S ; Capt. It. Petullo, Kellie Castle ; Capt. T. 5iiepherd„. Lady Melville; Capt. E. nand, Herefordshire ; Capt. R. J. Pidding, Thames; auft.
Capt. It. Aplin, L'rilice Regent. . Arrived—At Gravesend, (let. 236, Thomas Peile, Elliot, from Ceylon ; 25th, Britan, nia. Oblis; and Ann. Sly, from llaurit ina:
Stifted—From G ravesend. Oct. 20t1,. C161i, Nix•m, for New Sonth Wale: ; and Susan, . (Mlles, for Bengal ; 2311, Caroline, Parker, for New Sunlit Wales; awl 2 lth, Juliana. Tarbutt, for Madras. From Liverpool, Oct. 19th, Janet len, Poe. 116 Singapore; mil. Columbia, Pattison, for Bombay; 21st, Rob Scourfield, Clough ; and Mary. Nasinyth. for ditto; and Livingstone, Cowley, for Mauritius; and 24th, Sir T. Burton, Reid, fur
Bombay. •
• Sierran %I' MORNING. 1Sai1ed—From Gravesend, October 96th, Gulnare, Bulky, for Vali Dim-men's Land ; anti Duke of Roxbuigh, Petrie, for Bombay. From Liverpeol,' on the 25th, Wirreaks-
Fislwr, for Calcutta. •