StEcTAToR7S KEY. TO POLITICAL KNOWLEDGE, No IL—The Monthly Sapplement, de- velopieg the EXPENDITURE. OF: THE_ BRITI$11 GOVERNMENT,.will be ready for trans- rnissiondo theCeuntry by the Booksellers' parcels on Thersdaxnert, the lot of ueinbes,; and.will be delivered in Town on SatUrday and Sundaynert, along with the :Paper oti the SWeek. Weregret.iolearn that some of our Subscribes in,the.Country have not yet received "their copies of the First Supplement W4.iitu !NG OF THE 11pCsE OF, Con moNs); .1111t the blame must fall on their own negligence, or on that of the agents they em- ploy—our directions were as plain as our intentions were liberal.
The question has been asked, "Is every purchaser of next week's SeErraTon entitled to the SUPPLEMENT of that clay, grat whetleir he happens to be a reghlar subscriber or not 1". He is, if he apply .on Gm day of publication, but net f r wards. We print no copies Of the SFECTAToR for future demand. But a separate impression of the 'Supplement; for sale by itself, is printed ; which, may be had at any time, while it lasts.