27 OCTOBER 1832, Page 9



The fluctuations in all sorts of Stock have been extensive; the Fast week as been one of more than ordinary. activity. The uncertainty of the manner 24 which the armed interference of France and England of Belgium and Holland may be viewed by the Allied_ Powers, has continued to keep the Market in a feverish state. Consols opened on Monday morning at 833 for the Account;. and were at one time as low as 831. They have since twice reached 84 ;-and were this morning al 833; when, m'consequence of some large. purchases, a sudden rally :tookplace t6 84k ; since which they have declined Ws 84, and close at 84i. New 31 per Cents, have fluctuated between 911 and 914, and close at 92. India Stock has been at 2001 and 201, but we are not able to quote any price to-day. Bank Stock has been at 188 and 187, and the last quotation to-day is 184. Exchequer Bills have improved prograksivelr during the week, and to-day have reached 25 premium. In the Foreign Market, Dutch Stock has fluctuated between 40k and 421 and closes to-day at 41?-, '42: Belgian Stock has twice tonched 76, and receded to 75, and closes this afternoon at 761.• Russian Bonds have been as low as 951, but improved this morning to 691. A very large sale, by an influential,. bunker, has been effected at 94, and the closing price is 981. Danish Bonds have remained steady at 88k. • Brazilian Bonds have been at 473- and 481e- during the last two lays; the huSiness' in these securities has not been extensive, and the closing price may be, quoted as 48k. . Spanish Bonds have been at 14,- and time at 1 3 . Portuguese Bonds have been to 49, room recently to: 44, and close at 481 49k. The Regency Scrip was very much in demand in the beginning of the week, and Was fivqiiently quoted at Ok discount ;' but on the arrival of the Lisbon mail this morning, several sales took place, which depressed the price to 5k- discount. It has 4ince improved to its old 'quotation of 81, but has iot maintained itself;, the closing price being 4, 84 discount. Greek konds. have remained all the week at -27 26. •

SATURDAY, ONE o'cr.ocrr„

Consols opened this morning at the closing price of yesterday, 84 k ; and. continued firm at that price' till nearly tWelve- o'clock ; when an -improvement of k per Cent, took place, and they are' now 84-all k. The business in the Foreign Market has been very extensive. consequence . of an express having been received from Amsterdam, with the prices of the Funds. in that citr on Wednesday, when the Market has improved more than 1 per cent. (the price quoted being 431), 'Dutch Stock has been in very great demand, and has been as high as 42d; it has since been at 42k; and is now 42,1:i.. Spanis% Stock has materially.- improved, htviug reached 141- ; at Whieh price several large purchases have beeu effected. Portuguese Stock !Ms been doncat 49?.; awl fully main- tains itself at that quotation. likgenev Scrip has been -13,lf discount, and-the market is now firm at 61., discount. The prices of other Foreign Stocks will be found below ; but the business of the morning- has bee chiefly:- confined to .those already noticed.

3 penCe.nt.Uonsols 84,t+ Ditto for At-count .611.. New 31 P. Cent. Ann, 92 1 Bank stel. 155 a India ittpek 201 Exchequer Bills 25 27

Belgian 5 p. Cts. Mexiean 6 p..Cen t4.