27 OCTOBER 1832, Page 9

There Ives a meeting of the Plenipotentiaries of the Five'

Powers yesterday at the Foreign Office, at which the new propositions of the King of Holland were read. They were immediately rejected by Mince TALL'Evalo:n and Lord PALNIERSToN. The other Plenipoten- tiaries in vain recommended further negotiation, . and then Walked any,- without venturing upon a protest. It is important to observe, that these propositions originated with Baron BuLow, in the form of a-project of treaty, Which was sent to Berlin some time ago, and there underwent modifications unfavourable to Belgium. They were after- wards submitted to the King of Holland ; who struck out all that was favourable to Belgium, and then forwarded it to the Conference, as the only treaty to which he would agree.