Mr. Stammers, the entrepreneur of the "London Wednesday Concerts" at Exeter Hall, has begun a new series of these entertainments. The first took place on Wednesday evening, and resembled in every respect those which were so familiar to the public last season. There was a similar host of vocal and instrumental performers, a bill of fare of similar amplitude and variety, and an equally miscellaneous audience, drawn together by a scale of prices graduating from seven shillings to one shilling. It is Mr. Stammers's plan to cater for all tastes; and though people of nice palates may refuse to partake of delicate cates in consequence of the quantity of coarser fare which covers the table, and perhaps of the kind of company who partly sit round it, yet the scheme does not prove unsuccessful. Some of the food which the fastidious guests object to is plain and wholesome, and wifi not be rejected by a healthy taste. A homely English ballad may be a beautiful thing, full of melody, expression, and poetry ; and even when vulgar or insipid, it may pass with indulgence in consideration of the better things which accompany it. On Wednesday, the beautiful se- lection from the Flauto Magico was enough to make up for much more vulgarity than the rest of the programme presented.