The Gallery of Illustration reopened, on Monday, with its diorama partially recast and augmented. We have more than once had to chro- nicle the Diorama of the Events of the War and its shifting phases. On the present occasion, one may readily surmise what the additions consist of,—the capture of the Malakoff and non-capture of the Madan in one picture, and the burning of Sebastopol in another. The first is-skilfully disposed ; though it scarcely realizes our preconception of the marshalled impetuosity with which the Zouaves and Chasseuramust have annihilated resistance. The second gives a spirited cartoon of blaze and blood, .and shows the North as well as the South side of the city, united by the bridge over which the Russians are retreating. The view of the battle-field of the Tchernaya, which closed the diorama before its recess, remains in statu quo—a battle-field, but with its battle yet unpictured. We may anticipate Kars or Kinburn as the next stage in the art-war; Kertch is already over-due, and has perhaps been omitted intentionally. Indeed, if Russia has yet attained the dioramic pitch of civilization, one may ima- gine her adding the wanton destruction at Kertch to the budget of her inns- tmtions as a stain on the Allied arms ; while her own prowess might ex- hibit its successes in the coup de main of Sinope, -some Asian advantages, the repulse of the 18th of June, the little transaction of Range, the de- fence of Petropanlovski on the first occasion, and the evasion of its fleet on the second. These are "events of the war" whereof the Gallery of Illustration abstains -from taking count.