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THE Omer received with more than usual state, on Wednesday, the de- putation appointed by the Corporation of London to present an address of congratulation on the fall of Sebastopol. Her Majesty sat in St. George's Hall, with Prince Albert on her left, and the Duchesses of Wel- lington and Atholl on her right. The Lord Mayor, Mr. Alderman Wire the mover, and Mr. Dakin the seconder, were admitted to kiss bands at the close of the ceremony. The larger part of the Corporation were also present. Her Majesty and the children have taken their usual drives abroad; and Prince Albert, besides visiting .Aldershot, has been out shooting.
The Queenoaad Prince Albert visited London early yesterday forenoon, Called on therniehesi of Glemsester, and returned to 'Windsor Castle at two o'clock.
Among the guests at the Castle, have been Lord Palmerston, Lord Panmnre, Lord Hardinge, the Earl of Clarendon' Sir Richard Pakenham, Sir Charles and lady Mary Wood, Sir Richard England, Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar, and the Count and Countess de Lavradio.