A Supplement to the London Gazette of last night contains a despatch from Brigadier-General Williams, her Majesty's Commissioner with the Turkish Army in Asia, written on the evening of the 29th September, the day the garrison of Kars repulsed the Russian assault. In a few words it states the results of the struggle, and mentions, with high com- mendation, the names of the British officers under him. The loss of the Russians is set down at 2500 killed, and double that number wounded ; the Turkish loss, 700 killed and wounded.
The Invalide Busse presents an account of General Mouraviers report on the same occasion. The General gives an interesting reason for at- tempting the assault—
"Haying been informed that the Turkish troops had received reinforce- ments in the vicinity of Batoum, and that the enemy proposed to make a movement upon the Gouriel and Akhaltsyk, and at the same time advance from Erzeroum upon Kars, he resolved to attack the latter fortrees on the 29th."