A generally improved tone has been observable this week in Government Securities ; and the confidence manifested by the public has been evidenced by their renewed purchases, rendering Stock very scarce. The Bank is said to have taken advantage of this by selling Consols and New Three per Cents for delivery, and replacing them for the Account at rates which secure the use of the money meanwhile at a small charge. The market is now sus- ceptible of an extensive improvement on receipt of favourable intelligence. This feeling has induced several speculators for the fall to close their ac- counts. Consols have fluctuated between 874 and 881; today there has been a quiet market, and they close at 88 for Money and 884 for the Account. India Stock has improved 1 per cent. Exchequer Bills last week were at 10s. discount, and the public were exchanging them for Console: from that point they rallied in anticipation of an advance in their rate of interest; and on Tues- day notice was issued that the interest upon the whole amount in circulation would be increased from the 25th instant to 2161. per day, or 31. 16s. Old. per annum. It had previously stood at 2d. on the June, and 21d. on the March bills ; and it will cause an increase in the public expenditure of nearly 100,000/. Exchequer Bills are now 2 discount, 2 premium ; since the notice, they have been in moderate demand. The Bank of France is supposed to have arranged with this country for an additional supply of gold to the ex- tent of 2,000,0001.; towards which it has purchaser' the greater part of 900,000/. which arrived from Australia on Saturday. The remainder of that sum, nearly 200,0001., has been deposited in the Bank of England, making a total retained out of recent arrivals of about 300,0001. It is stated in Paris, that the Bank of France will obtain 1,600,000/. in silver from the Bank at Amsterdam ; and it has been rumoured that it contemplates issuing notes of 251. and 50f. The French Funds have shown a slight improvement.
The Bank of England has made no fresh arrangement this week in the rate of discount, and the demand for accommodation at that establishment has been moderate ; in the discount market there has been increased ease, and in the Stock Exchange loans on stock can be obtained at 21 to 3 per cent. The Corn-market continues firm. The gold and specie arrivals have been 71,354/. from Australia, 22,000/. from New York, and 160,000/, from the Pacific.
In Foreign Securities there has been very little activity ; in the leading descriptions 'prices have been well maintained. Turkish Stock has been fluctuating, and is a shade higher than it was last week ; the Scrip is 1 'better. Venezuela has improved I; Swedish is one lower.
911 2; Midland, 631 1. The French descriptions are higher : Eastern of France, and Paris and Lyons, have improved 15.9., Northern of France 5s. There was a little flatness on Tuesday ; but it has been since recovered, and there is now scarcely any difference compared with last week. Great West- em is 501 1 • Lancashire and Yorkshire, 7445; London and North-Western,
Railways have been comparatively steady, and the transactions limited.
The English Funds are steady this morning ; Consols for both Money and Account are 88 4. Exchequer Bills 2 discount to $ premium. Exchequer Bonds 981. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows a decrease of 522,214/. In Foreign Stocks prices are nominal, with no symptoms of busi- ness. Turkish Stock is 79 f, and the Scrip 34 21 discount. In Railways no alteration has occurred—Eastern Counties, 94; Great Western, 501; Lon- don and Blackwell, 61 ; London and South-Western, 821; London and North-Western, 911; Midland, 631. SATURDAY. ORS O'CLOCK.
The English Funds have improved 1 since the morning. Consols for Money are now 884 1, and for Account 881 4. Exchequer Bills, 2 dis 3 prem. Annuities 1885, 161.
In Foreign Stocks, the only change is in Turkish, which are 4 higher : the Six per Cents are 7944, and the Scrip 244 discount. Spanish Passive, 5. Railways are a little stronger, but few transactions have taken place— Eastern Counties, 91 • Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee, 16; Great Western, 504; Lancashire and 'Yorkshire, 744; London and Blackwell, 64; London and North-Western, 91k; London and South-Western, 821; Midland, 631; North-Eastern—Berwick, 68; Ditto York, 45; North 'Staffordshire, 91 ; South-Eastern, 574; London, Tilbury, and Southend, 1164; Midland Brad- ford Preference Stook, 90; Wilts and Somerset, 83. Preference Shares— Great Northern 5 per Cent, Redeemable at 10 per Cent premium, 107; Ditto 41 per Cent ditto, 101; Ditto 5 per Cent Scrip, Redeemable at 6 per Cent premium 71; Antwerp and Rotterdam, 71; East Indian, 22; Grand Trunk of Canada, A Issue, 10k; Great Western of Canada, 22k; Great Luxem- bourg Constituted Shares, 44. Mines—Fortuna, 14; Santiago de Cuba, 34; Tin Croft, 34; United Mexican 54. Joint Stock Banks—London and West- minster, 461; Union of Australia, 71. Miscellaneous—Australian Royal Mail, 44; Canada, 135; Canada Government 6 per Cent January and July, 1081; Crystal Palace Preference, 5; North British Australasian, /.
3 per Cent Consols 88
Danish 3 per Cents 81 4 Ditto for Account 88
Dutch 24 per Cents 64 5 8 per Cent Reduced 87 4 Ditto 4 per Cents 93 5 New 3 per Cents 88 4 Mexican 3 per Cents 194 20 ex d.
Long Annuities 84
Peruvian 44 per Cents 71 3 Bank Stock 206
Ditto 3 per Cents 51 3 Exchequer Bills 2 di,. 3 pm. Portuguese 4 per Cents .... 43 5 India Stock 226 9 Russian 3 per Cents 95 8 Austrian 5 per Cents 80 3 Ditto 44 per Cents 85 8 Brazilian 5 per Cents 98 100 Spanish 3 per Cents 374 8 Belgian 44 per Cents 93 5 Ditto Deferred 194 I Chilian 6 per Cents 99 101 Sardinian 5 per Cents 83 5 Danish 5 per Cents 100 2 Swedish 4 per Cents 86 9
Mr. Oliver of Liverpool is again declared not a bankrupt ! The trustees have effected a compromise with the agent of the Bank of Quebec, and the ad- judication he obtained has been annulled; and a year having elapsed since the deed of assignment was executed, no further proceedings in bankruptcy can now be taken. The prospects of the general creditors are very poor : a divi- dend of 2s. 6d. in the pound will be paid on Monday next.