[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIB,—An interesting connexion between these two at first sight rather remote topics presents itself.
In your editorial comment on the first you are careful to state that you do not endorse " the Cult of the Nude." But in confirmation of Mr. H. Strachey's letter I should like to say that this summer, in conjunction with some friends, I have had some very encouraging and illuminating expe- rience with a small private sun and air bath conducted on similar lines to the numerous German Societies to which you refer—i.e., where it was usual for both sexes to practise complete nudity together.
Our experience all goes to prove that among English people as well as Germans familiarity with the sight of the nude human body tends generally to diminish, and certainly does nothing to increase or stimulate, sexual feeling among all normal people. In view of its obvious bearings on both topics it is, I think, only fair that such a piece of positive evidence should be put on record.—I am, Sir, &c., BM/BHVVC, London, W.C. 1.