General Knowledge Questions OUR weekly prize of one guinea for
the best Questions submitted is awarded this week to Miss H. Finnemore, Elmstone, Northwood, Middlesex, for the following :- Questions on Books
1. Who said that he would not sell the rights of opening a box of books for £10,000 ?
2. Whit confessed that it was his books that kept him from " the ring, the dog-pit, the tavern and the saloon " ?
3. Who was once found by a girl friend lying on the grass reading Pamela, and was ashaMed of it ?
4. Who found it " a strong argument for the non-existence of spirits " that biographers were not haunted by the ghosts of the " unfortunate men" whose lives they write
5. What two writers said (a) that " what is really best in any book is translatable," and (b) that " the classics are much better understood in a good translation than in the original " ? 0. Who read through Fielding's Amelia without stopping ?
7. Who made a practice of noting at the end of a book the time taken to read it and his opinion of the book ?
8. Who bought Swift's Tale of a Tub for threepence at the ago of eleven and carried it about with him for nine years ? 9. Which writer once kissed an old folio of Chapman's Homer ?
10. Who knew every one of his books by its scent A1. Who said that all the books in the world—really books— can be bought for £10 " ? 12. Who could not write without a sloping desk ?.
Answers will be found on page 612.