27 SEPTEMBER 1845, Page 11

The Dublin Evening Freeman, of Thursday, reports Mr. O'Connell's pro-

gress from Darrynane to Tipperary, where he was to hold a monster-meet- ing. He reached "Cashel of the Kings" on Wednesday, and in the Town- hall received a number of addresses. Among them was one from youths connected with the Cashel Repeal Reading-room, presented by a Master Keary ; Mr. O'Connell's reply to whom began, "1 thank you heartily, my dear." In another of his replies to the adult members of the Reading-room, Mr. O'Connell's eloquence transcended itself— "This admirably-composed address is one of the incidents of a variegated life, that gives me ineffable pleasure and satisfaetion. Men of the Reading-room of Cashel, I congratulate you on the progress of our cause. We have endured a loss that is to be regretted, but still we have high hopes to cheer us in our way. Let me tell you that, as Irishmen you must have Ireland—Irishmen must have Ireland —pledge yourselves to join me, and 'pledge myself to join you—that without break- ing any law, without offending against morality, the ark of the constitution shall be floated by the desires of the Irish people to the centre of the Parliament-house of Dublin, and Ireland must be a nation again."