Tuesday, Sept. 23.
Morson and Winston, Copthall Chambers, West India merchants-Noreen and Co. St. Christopher's, West Indies, merchants-Kendall and Hill, Nottingham, brown net commission-agents-Thomson and Co. Cowper's Court, Cornhill, ship-brokers -Lliggin- bottom and lionsley, Chesterfield, milliners-Taylor and Aburrow, Idol Lane, druggists
- Parker and Taylor, Birkenhead, veterinary surgeons--Appleton and Bradley, Green- wich, surgeons-Pool and Stevens, Furnivals Inn, ;atomics - Chadwick and Gaskill. Manchester, cotton waste dealers-Lee and Coley, Birmingham, architects -Anstice and Co. Plymouth, soda-writer-manufacturers-Hlggs and Wright, Birkenhead, iron- mongers--Alcock and Wilson, Liverpool, fruit-merchants-Smith Brothers, Newark- upon-Trent, grocers-Long and Hale junior, St. John Street, oil-merchants-J. and W. Shnpson, Market Weighton, innkeepers-J. and I. Eaten, West Auckland, Durham, proprietors of the lunatic asylum- E. and G. Dyer, Both, corn-Senors-Appleton and Nelson-Weston and Jennings, Hereford, cheinists-31arshall and Coe, Sire Lane, at' tornies-Brown and MaeGeorge, Glasgow, stockbrokers.
lIrsv, CHARLES, St. James's Walk, Clerkenwell, printer, to surrender Oct. 7, Nov. 5 : solicitor, Jackson, St. Helen's Place; official assignee, Johnson, liasingball Street. GALE, JANUS, Little Albany Street, Regent's Park. candle-manufacturer, Sept- 30, Nov. 4 : solicitor, Hilleary, Fenchurch Street ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman St. LOCKHART, THEODORE and CHARLES, Cheapelde, florists, Oct. 2, Nov. 4 : solicitors, Messrs. Durrant and Co., Gray's Inn ; official assignee, Turquand, Old Jevrry Chambers SANDERSON, TuonAs, Liverpool, coal-merchant, Oct. 3.24: solicitor% Mr. Rogerson, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; Mr. Davies, Liverpool ; official assignee, Mr. Bird, Liverpool.
Oct. 14, Piper. Cheapside, stay-manufacturer-Oct. 14, Bowen, 'Merthyr Tydvil, ere- cer-Oct. 15, Byforn, Liverpool, wholesale grocer-Oct. 14, Forster, Liverpool, taller-- Oct. 14, Cooke, Liverpool, painter-Oct. 14, Brez, Chester, tailor-Oct. 14, Milne, High Crompton, Lancashire-Oct. 22, Nell, Manchester, common-brewer-Oct. 14, itaselden, Bolton-le-Moors, Lancashire, cotton-spinner.
To be granted, talks, rause be shown to the contrary, on the day of meeting. Oct. 16, Walker, Quickest Row, New Road, builder-Oct. 16, Sims, Whitechapel Road, publican-Oct. 16, (tutu, Woolwich, bricklayer-Oct. IS, Church, Southampton, surgeon - Oct. 14, Prior, Sine Lane, stationer-Oct. 14, Young, Bury St. Edmunds, tobacconist -Oct. 14, Piper, Cheapside, stay-manufacturer- Oct. 15, Warren, Bristol, merchant - Oct. 16, Bryan, Bristol, chemist. • To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or Wore Oct. 14. Crabtree and Burnley, Tunstead, Lancashire, woollen-numuSicturers-Parry, Rathin, Denbighshire, currier-Gardner, Liverpool, wine-merchant-Smith and Co. Woodhead, Cheshire, provision-dealers-Rawe, Portsea, cunier -Leplasttlet, Islington, watch- maker-Johnson, West Smithfield, nine-merchant-Walters,Crawford Street, Maryle- bone, silk-mercer. SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS. BRYSON, J., Sheriffaulds, dealer in drugs, Sept. 26, Oct. 22. FINDLAY, H., Stranraer, vintner, Sept. 26, Oct. 17. SANDILANDS, W. N., Couston, LInlithgowshire, Sept. 27, Oct. 18.
Friday, Sept. 26.
Lister and Ingle, Bradford, land-surveyors -Lloyd and Macnieol, 3Iroichester, school- inistresses-Wynn and Tate, Sunderland, thnber-merchatits --Welch and Latham, Pres- ton, architects-Roberts mid IliggInbottoni, Southampton, auctioneers-shaw and Ker- shaw, Huddersfield, stockbrokers--Lowry and Foster, :Maidstone, surgeons- -Broad- head and Kelsall, Huddersfield, millinent-Gugeri and Carughl, Charles Street, Hatton Ganlen, barometer-manufacturers-Wellbeloved and °ostler, share-brokers-'Ntadeley and Co. Derby, silk-manufacturers-Warner and Foulkes, .Xottinghatn, schoolmistresses -Greenwood and Co. Manchester, coach-proprietors; as far as regards H. Clough- Sherlock and Wellman, Birkenhead, wine-merchants-Marrel and Claphatn, New Bond Street, mIlliners-Beaton and Dawes, Islington, tailors -Binnion and Griffin, Birming- ham, carriage-lamp-manufacturers-J. and E. Evans, Royton, Lancashire, engineer's- Grafton and Perks, Swindon, Wiltshire, fron-merchatits-Chaffers and Co. Burnley, Lancashire, cabinetrnakers-liarland and Co. Cumberland Place, Newington, zinc-ma- nufacturers ; as far HS regards L. IL Druitt.
BURTON, SOPHIA iumti JOHN, Kingston-upon-Hull, chemists, to surrender Oct. 8, NOV. 3: solicitors Messrs. Bell and Co. Bow Churchyard; Mr. Tenney, Hull ; and Messrs. Ilorsfall and Harrison, Leeds; official assignee, Mr. Fearne, Leeds.
CHARITY, WILLIAM, Alford, Lincolnshire, builder, Oct. 8, 29 solicitors, Messrs. Scott and Co. Lincoln's Inn Fields ; 3Iessrs. Bourne and Son, Alford ; and Mr, Bulmer. Leeds; official assignee, Mr. Slope, Leeds.
COTSWORTH, THOMAS, Salisbury, builder, Oct. 3, Nov. 7 BOBCBOIS, Messrs. Pinntger and Co. John Street, Bedford stow; official assignee, Mr. Turquand, Old Jewry' COUPER, GEORGE, South Shields, cinder-burner, Oct. 7, Nov. 18: solicitors, Messrs. Chisholm and Co. Lincoln's Inn Fields ; Mr. Berle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; official as- signee, Mr. Wakley, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. LIORNBY, BENJAMIN, Hoylake, Cheshire, innkeeper, Oct. 9, Nov. 6: solicitors. Skilbeck and Hall, Southampton Buildings ; Thotnpson,Liverpool ;official assignee. Bird, Liverpool. JONES, EDWARD senior, Budge Stow, paste-board manufacturer, Oct. 10, Nov. 5: solicitor, Mr. May, Queen Square ; official assignee, Mr. Whitmore, Basinghall Street.