27 SEPTEMBER 1856, Page 5


The Queen continues to spend her days after a healthy fashion ; now walking, now driving, in the woods and hills ; and Prince Albert stalks the deer with great perseverance. Her Majeaty has visited Mrs. Far- quharson of Invercauld, and has given a ball at Balmoral to the notables of the neighbourhood. The Earl of Aberdeen and Miss Nightingale have been guests of the Queen, and both were at the ball.

Sir George Grey arrived at Balmoral on Saturday, to replace the Earl of Clarendon.

A dreadful shipwreck has occurred near Duunet—the total loss of the Ahto, a Finlander, bound from Liverpool to Vasa. During a gale, she re- peatedly struck on the rocks, and eventually got fixed on a reef, where the waves broke over her. The people on shore could see the poor wretches swept one by one from the wreck into the sea ; but no immediate aid could be rendered. At length a bout mune from Scarfskeny, manned by five brave fishermen, and they saved the two seamen who yet survived : six men and the master's wife had perished. •