27 SEPTEMBER 1856, Page 9



Intelligence from Trieste, by telegraph-not the most trustworthy source, but sometimes authentic-states that Admiral Houston Stew- art is to reenter the Black Sea, and that the English fleet, under the command of Lord Lyons, will receive reinforcements ; that Persia has roposed to refer to the arbitration of a foreign Power its differences with d; and that the Porte is sending to the frontier of Montenegro troops, munitions of war, and an artillery force of ninety heavy guns."

The Post Ampt Gazette of Frankfort says that England and France have forwarded a new note to Naples, expressing their desire to come to an honourable understanding- " They admit that under the present circumstances the King cannot grant a general amnesty ; and therefore only request the King to grant a pardon to those political prisoners who may apply for it, and make their submission in proper form. But this they particularly insist on, and therefore give their note the form of an ultimatum, which allows the King of Naples a fort- night's time to consider, after which the Western Powers will resort to the measures they think advisable."