The military news from the frontier is slight, but is
for the . most part all favourable. General Baker, with a lightly ()quipped brigade, descended the Shuturgardan on the 23rd inst., and on the 24th occupied Kushi, without resistance. He reports plenty of supplies in the valley, one of the most fertile Cues in Afghanistan. On the same day, General Hughes, with IL diviiion, left Candahar to occupy Khelat-i-Ghilzai, occupied and abandoned last year. No resistance had as yet been offered, an 1 tho Viceroy telegraphs a report received from Caudahar that the governor of the fortress, which is the centre of Ghilzai
power, had fled. That statement, if correct, is not favourable, as it shows the Ghilzais to be undecided and alarmed; but if General Hughes occupies the place, the Ghilzais may be afraid to revolt.