27 SEPTEMBER 1879, Page 1

There has been absolute silence throughout the week as to

Herat, though news should have reached Candahar, with which London is in telegraphic communication. No explanation of the emeatc there has been given, nor does any one know whether Ayoub Khan is at the head of the revolt, or has been overthrown by it. For anything that appears, the mutineers may be march- ing on Cabal or Candahar. These mutineers form the main body of the Afghan army which was latterly stationed by Shere Ali in Herat, and their action is all-important to the campaign. According to native newswriters, writing just before the explo- aion, they had represented to Yakoob Khan that the war of last year was an accidental defeat, encountered because they were not employed, and they were ready for a new war. In that case, their comrades in Cabul may have attacked the Residency to force the Ameer's bend, and he may be waiting for the arrival of the Heratee regiments in Cabal, in order either to attack the British, or, if be e„, to recover his authority. For the moment, however, the lieratee regiments and their purposes are alike in space.