27 SEPTEMBER 1890, Page 1


THE Comte de Paris, who sailed this week for the United States, before his departure addressed to M. Bocher, the " managing man" of the House of Orleans, a letter intended for publication. In it the Comte defends his alliance with the Boula,ngists at the recent elections, saying "he had under- stood well at a difficult crisis the interests of the monarchical cause." "Proscribed by the Republic, I take up, in order to fight it, the arms with which it supplies me. I do not regret having made use of them in order to divide the Republicans." That is a most ill-judged letter, for it means that the Comte —now, in his own eyes, rightful King of France—will use any instruments, however dangerous to his country, if only he may thereby produce confusion in the dominant majority. Legitimists should leave such tactics to their rivals. They -are dodges, not policies, and Kings should be above dodges, or, if they sanction them, should have the dignity to be .ashamed of such a departure from their historic position. The Orleans family seems unable to work the " Ulysses " taint out of its blood.