In Cloud and Sunshine. By J. Pierce, M.A. (Triibner and
Co.) —A fairly successful volume of occasional poems, such as Mr. Pierce published some years ago, and on which we were glad to bestow such praise as we felt able to give, should be followed, if it is followed at all, by a more connected effort. Here we have some hundred and seventy occasional poems. The effect is some- what wearying. It is not that Mr. Pierce writes less well than before; he may have even improved ; but if he is to take rank among real poets, we want something more. And even these short pieces want finish. They are written, we suspect, too easily. In quoting from a really meritorious writer, such as we have here, we always try to quote the best; but everything is only moderately good ; everything has some flaw or weakness in it; there is nothing, as far as we can see, that is likely to find its way into collections of standard pieces.