27 SEPTEMBER 1924, Page 12


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I have been recently reading a book in which the learned writer endeavoured to prove that the three great Attic tragedians and the author of the Iliad and Odyssey had declared their authorship by anagrams in the opening lines of their works. I wished to see what result could be obtained from the few words which we were permitted to know from the lost books of Livy. They were, according to a recent communication from Leipzig, ubi multitudo hominum insperata accessit. From these words I obtained as an anagram : " Martins sub hac domo Titum ipse incelavit." The word incelavit is, I fear, not included in the dictionaries, but it would be a useful word for one who wanted to state that he had concealed the writings under a house in a niche.