27 SEPTEMBER 1924, Page 12


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR, —It is suggested in some quarters that the House of Lords should pass the Irish Boundary Bill even though they may consider it dangerous to the Empire, and essentially unjust, for fear of provoking a dissolution and giving the Sacialists a " cry." Surely this is cowards' counsel. The House of Lords have a duty to perform, and the wisest course in danger is to do one's duty. The House of Lords is a revising and delaying Chamber, whose function is to give the nation time to think. The Lords should therefore ignore all merely " political " considerations and examine the Bill on its merits, and on its merits and its merits alone they should either pass or reject it.—I am, Sir, &c., C. POYNTZ SANDERSON (Clerk in Holy Orders). Junior Constitutional Club, Piccadilly.