27 SEPTEMBER 1935, Page 13

The Hall Mirror

C. H. 0. Scaife in C. P. P. Cavafy.) (TranWateedoifiarobofftrat collaboration nGwreileil 14: THE rich house had a very large, old mirror in its hall It could have been bought not less than eighty years ago.

One day a youth called with a parcel ; Only a tailor's messenger, but an amateur athlete on Sundays And a very beautiful young man. He gave his package to someone of the house,

Who took it and went in to fetch a receipt.

The tailor's man stood waiting alone— • He walked up to the mirror, looked at himself And set his tie straight. In five minutes they brought him the receipt ; He took it and went away.

But the old mirror Which in so many years Had seen so many thousands of things and faces, The mirror was left rejoicing And proud to have held for some moments An image of the perfect beauty in its glass.