27 SEPTEMBER 1935, Page 18


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.]

Sin,—Mr. Mumford finds my " logic " difficult to follow because we speak in different languages and he does not understand mine. I am a " pacifist " and Mr. Mumford is a " sanctionist," and the two are totally different.

Both Mr. Mumford and his generals and admirals will find "my logic within the four corners of the gospels, but as their approach to the establishment of peace is amateurish they will still find difficulties which may appear to them incapable of being overcome, but which they will find convincing if they really face the facts of life as the Master laid down and not as the opportunists try to bring about. —Yours faithfully, F. F. CROZIER (Brig.-General).

Kingsway Hotel; "Worthing.