[To the Editor of Tint SPECTATOR.] Sin,—It was with great pleasure that I read Mr. Hamilton Fyfe's article in The Spectator of September 13th. Being a citizen of Frankfort, it is nice to hear some one say that Frankfort- on-the-Main is the " pleasantest city all round." May I correct one thing in which I think Mr. H. Fyfe is slightly in error--in regard to his statement that the " Romerberg " was once an ancient Roman camp. Such remains have been found near the site of the Cathedral. But it is said that the ROmerberg may derive its name from a family called " 'Ulmer " who at one time owned the famoui
house of that name, and which was the TownARIlm LORI;Y,
Hall omy
and still keeps that name.—Yours faithfully, m Frankfurt-am-Main.